TRX Warrior series

May is all about mobility, stability and balance.

One series we have been playing with in class is a familiar Yoga series applied to the TRX suspension trainer.  Try this warrior 1 and warrior 2 series to develop overall balance, T-spine mobility and pelvic stability.

  1.  One foot inside the foot craddle, 
  2. Reach the supported leg back into a deep lunge position
  3. Hands straight above the head (hold for a breathe)
  4. Drop the arms out to the side
  5. Maintain lower body stability
  6. Rotate the T-spine to one side (hold position for one breathe)
  7. Back up to to the standing position hands above the head
  8. Reach supported leg back into a deep lunge position
  9. Drop arms out to the side
  10. Maintain lower body stability
  11. Rotate the T-spine to the other side (hold for one breathe)
  12. Repeat the series 3 - 6 times per leg.
 ***before attempting this series supported in the TRX be sure that you are comfortable with the movements with both feet on the floor.

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